Fixed On Target Damage causing FPS spikes.
Shows Item Drops and Quest Rewards On Screen.
Shows Animations for Items on ground.
Shows a Yellow Circle around your current target.
Ability to Close Chat, which leaves a chat icon.
Shows damage, crits, evades, resists, debuffs on the target.
Administrators can turn it ON/OFF
Usage: Server sends Item ClassID and TimeRemaining to the client after entering the game.
Auto Farm Window.
Added New Auto Item Enchant
Added the Retail Inventory Sorting Algorithm (sorting based on item types) as the default.
Added Option for Alphabetic Sorting of Inventory to the Options Menu.
Added Support for Targets Debuffs on L2Nemeziz
Fixed Search in Inventory not updating items
Fixed Tutorial Window having wrong size
Added Shortcuts Option Tab - now you will be able to bind custom shortcuts in game.
Fixed auto pots not using only below the set CP/HP/MP %
Fixed shortcuts being spammed in the chat window
- Added Support for Chat Messages, Default Chat Commands and Custom Chat Commands. Use the Custom Chat Commands in Inventory Macros instead of normal macros for improved safety.
- Added Support for /Delay and /DelayRand
/Delay DelayAmount - Delays the usage of the next part in the inventory macro for the DelayAmount you provide.
/DelayRand FromDelayAmount ToDelayAmount - Same as /Delay but the Delay will be randomized between FromDelayAmount and ToDelayAmount.
The Delays will be replaced or stopped when another Inventory Macro uses /Delay, /DelayRand or on restart.
- Removed Cloak Delay Checkbox from Options Window - On PTS Servers use /Delay 1000 in front of the cloak instead.
Added Item Enchant Numbers Option - Enable it in Options - Interface.
Added IDs to Buffs.
Added ID Texture.
Added Stat increase amount from enchants.
Added HP increase amount from enchants.
Added Images to Armor Set parts.
Added /RemoveBuff SkillID - Removes a Buff based on the SkillID that you provide.
Added /RemovePetBuff SkillID - Removes a Pet Buff based on the SkillID that you provide.
The interface version will now go to v1.1.0.
The middle version number will get incremented every time a new feature is added.
The last number will be incremented for bug and hotfixes.
Added Chat Commands
Fixed Size and Position of Edit Text.
Added Custom Chat Commands - Type /help in Chat to see all available commands.
Added Chat Commands for L2Dex:
Hotfix for last update:
Fixed Target Details not showing after hovering over the Class icon.
Made Target Class Icon not get darkened when target is dead.
Added Custom Chat Commands (Can be used in Macros):
/Help - Prints out all the current available custom chat commands
/TargetNextLong - Next Target with Custom Range set in Options.
Custom Shortcuts:
Fixed Long Range Next Target Shortcut not targeting the opponent before the olympiad match starts.
Fixed Hidden Shortcuts to work like they were intended.
Option.ini Shortcuts for Bars 1-6 will use what ever is currently on the extended bar (1-6).
Option.ini Shortcuts for Bars 7-10 will always use the same bar (7-10) and slot, even if it is hidden and not on the extended bars.
Option.ini Shortcuts for Bars 11-12 will use what ever is currently on Panel 1 and Panel 2.
Shortcut Window:
Added Missing Panel Buttons to Vertical Shortcuts.
Fixed both Shortcut Windows showing when changing Shortcut Size.
Fixed an issue that was eating resources when loading into the game.
Inventory Macros:
Fixed Cloak Delay for Inventory Macros Option not working.
Party Window:
Party Members and Pets now get blacked out when dead - enabled in Options.
Target Window:
The Target Window now gets blacked out if the target is dead - enabled in Options.
Summon Status Window:
The Summon Window now gets blacked out if the Summon dies - enabled in Options.
Pet Status Window:
The Pet Window now gets Blacked out if the Pet dies - enabled in Options.
Fixed it not always being full alpha.
Inventory Macros Rework:
- Added support for Skills.
- Added support for Actions.
- Added support for more Macros and Items they can contain:
- 32 Macro Slots
- 24 Item Slots - That each macro can have
- Added ability to Resize the Width of the window. min 6x2 -> max 18x2
- Added Ability to see Skill Cooldowns in the Inventory Macro - The first skill in the macro becomes the macros icon. This allows you to see the icons and cooldowns of all of your augments.
- Fixed Items not being saved based on the Augment they contain.
- Optimized amount of Option.ini space the macros require.
New Chat Commands (can be used from Normal Macros):
For Player:
/removebers - Removes Berserker Spirit, Chant of Berserker, Rage of Pa'agrio.
/removecele - Removes Celestial Shield, Lesser Celestial Shield, Enchanter Ability - Barrier
/removeicons - Removes Flame Icon, Spirit of Shilen, Angelic Icon
/removeud - Removes Divine Knight, Ultimate Defense, Vengeance
/removearcane - Removes Arcane Shield
/removecond - Removes Condition of Pa'agrio, Bless the Soul, Improved Condition
For Pet:
/removepetbers - Removes Berserker Spirit, Chant of Berserker, Rage of Pa'agrio.
/removepetcele - Removes Celestial Shield, Lesser Celestial Shield, Enchanter Ability - Barrier, Servitor Barrier
/removepeticons - Removes Flame Icon, Spirit of Shilen, Angelic Icon
/removepetud - Removes Divine Knight, Ultimate Defense, Vengeance, Servitor Empowerment
/removepetptud - Removes Shield of Faith
Custom Shortcuts:
- Added option to change the range of next target (default 2000)
- Fixed a bug that caused the Custom Shortcuts to break or disappear entirely.
- Reset to Default Button - Now Resets all Option.ini Custom shortcuts as well.
Added Auto Element Feature:
- Feature is still in testing - Report any bugs that you find in the Bugs Discord Channel.
- 60 (Current Attribute Amount) Button - Attributes the current selected Item with current selected element Stone.
- 120 (Current Attribute Amount) Button - Attributes the current selected Item with current selected element Stone to 60 and then with current selected element Crystal to 120.
- Disable Enchant Animations - Removes the Progress bar when clicking Confirm Button and instantly attributes the current selected item with current selected Stone or Crystal.
Added Target Next Long:
- Like normal Next Target but with 2000 Range.
- Bindable through Options - Shortcut Tab - Enter Chat.
Fixed SHIFT not being bindable in Shortcut Tab for Option.ini Shortcuts.
Fixed Shortcut Tab Option.ini Hidden Shortcuts names being confusing. Shortcut(basic) - 1 -> Shortcut 1 - 1
Fixed LifeStone Timers Options Check disappearing after relog.
Fixed On Screen Cooldowns not being Draggable. Now you can swap cooldowns and remove by dragging out of the window.
Fixed On Screen Cooldowns not showing when a Toggle Skill is Activated.
Shortcut Tab:
- All Custom Shortcuts are now Bindable through the Options - Shortcut - Enter Chat Tab.
- All Custom Shortcuts are stored in Option.ini and can be moved between different Servers.
- Removed Extra Shortcuts in Option.ini (duplicate, use Hidden Shortcuts instead).
- Removed Talisman Shortcuts (duplicate, use 11th and 12th Bar Shortcut Binds instead).
Currently Supported Custom Shortcuts:
- Target Self
- Target Next
- Target Cancel
- All 12 Shortcut Bars
- All Inventory Macro Slots
New Auto Skill Enchant:
- If Only Normal Codex Checked - will enchant to desired Normal Enchant using only Giant's Codex.
- If Only Mastery Codex Checked - will enchant to desired Mastery Enchant using only Giant's Codex - Mastery.
- If Both are Checked - will enchant to desired Normal Enchant with Giant's Codex and then continue until desired Mastery Enchant with Giant's Codex - Mastery.
- If SP Scroll is Checked - will use the SP Consumable that you put in the slot next to it, when you run out of SP.
Added Target HP Percent Feature and Option.
Added Detailed Class Icons Feature and Option.
Added Left Aligned Party Names Option.
Added Enable/Disable Enemy Cast Info to Context Menu.
Removed the Enable/Disable Enemy Cast Info Button from Target Status Window.
Fixed Enemy Cast Info and Cubic Cast Info Icon Size and Positons.
Fixed Enemy Cast Info and Cubic Cast Info Windows not resizing when resizing the target window.
Fixed L2Dex Drop and Spoil Buttons not being clickable after last update.
Added Context Menu Feature.
Right-Click on Windows:
- Target Window
- Status Window
- Summon Window
Fixed AOE Damage on Screen Option.
Fixed 3 Columns Damage on Screen Option.
Fixed no Title in Damage on Screen Settings Window.
Fixed no Title in Cooldowns on Screen Settings Window.
1. Added Option.ini and MacroSettings.ini Backup feature. Now these two files will automatically be backed up in "Lineage 2/System/Somik_Interface_Start" each time you start the game. This will prevent accidental replacements.
2. Added New Background.
Option Window - Interface Tab Rework:
1. Organized all the Interface Options in sections.
2. Renamed some of the options to make them more intuitive.
3. Moved all the options from Game Tab to Interface Tab.
4. Moved all the options for the features "Damage on Screen" and "Cooldowns on Screen" to their own windows. You can access them by clicking the "Settings" button next to the feature.
5. Added the Cooldonws On Screen option.
Reminder: The Options Window - Interface Tab can be quickly opened by clicking on the System Menu Button at the bottom right corner of the screen, while holding the Control Key.
Cooldowns On Screen Rework:
1. Improved performance. The feature now uses a lot less resources.
2. The Skills are now Added by dropping them into one of the Skill slots.
3. The Skills are now Removed by Right-Clicking the Skill.
Damage On Screen Settings:
1. Moved all the options into a new window. It can be opened by clicking the Settings button next to the feature in Options Window - Interface Tab.
2. Added more customizability.
3. You can now use both Normal Style and Classic Style On Screen Damage at the same time.
- Added Fully Reworked Auto Augment.
The Stats tab is ONLY for 86 Top Lifestones (except +1 INT/STR/CON/MEN), which means that you will not get them if you use any other Lifestone.
Please report any bugs that you find in thebug-reports discord channel.
- Added the full patch version to the watermark, now you will see v1.0.10 in the bottom right.
Added cache clear for all servers. Type /cache in chat or macro.
Added support for Exiliumworld target debuffs.
Fixed bypasses for the following servers:
- L2Mundo
- L2Viserion
- Undergames
- The window, where you choose Buffs and main Assist, now automatically hides to limit its exposure in videos. The interface is not intended to focus on cheating features and has only the absolutely necessary ones, compared to other patches.
- Added Bypass (select it under Select Bypass on the top right of the SomikUpdater)
- Updated the information channel for information on the Lineage2Dex
Fixed Error on Exiliumworld, caused by new update
- Added Target Class Icon to Target Status Window.
- Added Enemy Information Tooltip(Enemy Stats, Gear, Augment), which shows when you hover over Target Class Icon.
- Fixed /Cache chat command (use it on Lineage2Dex to clear cache, you can put it inside a macro for faster use).
- Added Scroll to Update Notes window
- Added Button which opens Server_Files folder (check information channel on how to use it)
Quick hotfix update for L2Devil players so they can see the Targets Debuffs.
✅Added Support for L2Devil Target Debuffs. Now you can see all the Debuffs your Target has. For the moment only supported on L2Devil.
✅Added Own Cast Window Movable Option. Now you can move your Cast Window anywhere on the screen.
✅Added Normal Size Shortcut Window Option. Now you can make the Shortcut Window Normal Size again instead of it being smaller.
✅Added Support for Custom Chat Commands to work inside Macros.
🔧Fixed Target being changed while getting opponents Olympiad Points at start of olympiad match.
🔧Fixed Olympiad Target Window having non clickable areas.
🔧Fixed 5th Vertical Shortcut Window previous and next buttons changing the wrong bar.
⬆️Optimized Olympiad NPC Buff Window so that it closes after you took all buffs.
This Update Solves the Limited Macros problem when playing on servers with playable sub classes, adds the Classic Cast Bar and contains a bunch of quality of life changes. A short video has also been made to quickly showcase all of the main changes, which will most likely become the new standard for every future update.
❄ ✅Added the Christmas 2019 and NewYear 2020 Easter Eggs! 🎆
Find out what they do by typing /Christmas2019 or /NewYear2020 in the chat. Type /Christmas2019 again to disable it. A bit late, but they were ready way before Christmas, just the update itself was not.
✅Added the SAVE and LOAD Macro feature. No more wasting time with remaking macros on every new server! Now you can Save them ONCE and never worry about it again. This also solves the problem of not enough macro slots when playing multiple subclasses. You can also enable the Automatic Load option, which automatically changes the Macros for you whenever you change subclasses. The Automatic Load option is currently not usable on servers with engine lag, like l2rpg, but this will be fixed in future iterations. The Save and Load Macros feature can be be used by clicking on the Edit Hammer button in the Macros Window. There is also a How to - guide, that carefully explains all the functions in multiple languages, found by pressing the ? button.
✅Added the Automatic Macro Creation Function. Now you are able to simply Drop a Skill or Shortcut into the Macro Window and a /UseSkill or /UseShortcut Macro automatically gets created. If you Drop them on an existing Macro, it will replace the Macro, else it will create a new one (you can also drop them on the Add Button).
Holding down modifier keys while Dropping on the Macro Window will have the following effect:
No Key - creates /useskill or /useshortcut macro.
CTRL - creates /useskillforce macro.
ALT - creates /target %self + /useskill or /useshortcut macro.
SHIFT - adds the commands to the end of an existing macro.
✅Added Macro Tooltips. You can now see what each macro contains if you activate the tooltips button on the Shortcut Window.
✅Added Macro Lock function. Lock your Macros with the shortcuts lock button on the Shortcut Window, you will now not be able to accidentally swap or drop new Macros.
✅Added Classic Cast Bar. Displays the skills that you are currently using in the Classic Cast Bar.
✅Added Cloak Delay Option for Inventory Macros, which is needed for servers with Engine Lag, like L2RPG (found in Options -> Interface). You need to have the cloak on the 6th slot inside an Inventory Macro.
✅Added Shield, Magic Resist and Dodges to System Message Spam Filter.
✅Added Ability to Chat in Olympiad without clicking on the Chat Window every message.
✅Added Ability to buy Multiple Talismans/Weapons/Armors at once.
✅Added Haste and Celestial to Enemy Trigger Timers.
✅Added Chat Window to Event Match Observe.
✅Added Button to change Arenas when observing Event Matches.
✅Added Mana Burn Damage to Classic style Onscreen Damage (works only on java servers that give you the mana burn system message).
✅Added Overhit to Classic Style Onscreen Damage.
✅Added 3 Column Classic Onscreen Damage Option, which makes the damage jump between 3 columns for less spam. Disable it if you want it to work like it did in v1.02.
✅Added AOE Classic Onscreen Damage Option, which groups damage done by an AOE skill together. Disable it if you want to see damage done only on the first target the AOE hits.
✅Added Target Only Enemy Cast Window Option, which will let you see only the skills that your current target is casting.
✅Added Option to Disable the Noblesse Icon next to party members names in the Party Window.
✅Added C and SPACE to Auto Assist.
✅Added /UserInfo command, which displays all the visible info of your current target.
🔧Fixed Enemy Buff Timers and Enemy Trigger Timers showing 0:00 at start instead of actual time.
🔧Fixed Invisible or Duplicate buffs in your Buff Window. Now the buffs that your Skillgrp.dat file is missing will get displayed with a specific icon and will tell you the ID of the missing buff and give you instructions how to make them appear normally.
🔧Fixed Inventory Crystallize Button position.
🔧Fixed Auto Potions not being used at 0 CP.
🔧Fixed "Not a Potion" message appearing when trying to add custom potions to Auto Potions.
🔧Fixed Auto Souls and Forces not being usable when using the Russian Interface language.
🔧Fixed Auto Souls and Forces not supporting Cyrillic names.
🔧Fixed Energy Stones appearing in Enemy Cast Window.
🔧Fixed Levels of Party Members not updating when swapping party member windows.
🔧Fixed Windows disappearing after switching observe states when observing events.
🔧Fixed Not being able to chat after shifting multiple items at once.
🔧Fixed Editing Macros shows wrong Macro Icon when using custom macro icons.
🔧Fixed Swapping Macros can put the wrong Macro Icon, when using custom macro icons.
🔧Fixed Macros having an invisible Macro Icon if you use custom macro icons and do not have a patched nwindow.dll. Now the Macro will get the default macro icon instead.
🔧Fixed L2Tales needing its own set of files to play.
🔧Fixed Onscreen Items still not appearing on some servers after restart and before opening the inventory.
⬆Changed Skill Mastery system message to REUSED, which now appears on middle of screen to be easily noticeable when a skill has reused.
⬆Changed /d Custom Chat Command from /duel to /dismiss.
⬆Changed Experience Classic Onscreen message display direction. Now it goes down instead of up.
⬆Changed Chat Limit from 105 to 250 characters. Now you can write longer messages.
⬆Changed Magic Critical Hit System message to a more orange noticeable color.
⬆Changed Macro Tool tip Color from red to yellow, to better fit the interface color scheme.
⬆Optimized Enemy Buff Timers and Enemy Trigger Buff Timers code (improved performance and accuracy).
⬆Optimized Enemy Trigger Buff Timers so that single digit timers now appear without a 0 prefix.
⬆Removed Critical Hits from the System Message Spam Filter.
✅Added the Delay Sliders to Auto Augment, Auto Enchant and Auto Skill Enchant. You are now able to change the Speed of Enchanting. If you get an "Augmentation has Failed", simply increase the Delay.
🔧Fixed Auto Skill Enchant disconnecting you from the game on RPG.
🔧Fixed the Auto Potions Icon appearing when switching between arenas while watching Olympiad matches.
🔧Fixed everything being Reset during an Olympiad match, when applying Options with "Use Improved Shader Effect" on.
🔧Fixed PC Cafe Points Window still being forced open on some servers, when the Radar Window is hidden.
🔧Fixed The Level and the Class Name being too far left on the Character Select Screen.
⬆Optimized Inventory Macros so that they now update when buying a missing item.
🎃 ✅Added the Halloween 2019 Easter Egg, find out what it does by typing /Halloween2019 to Activate it! To disable it type /Halloween2019 again.
This introduces possible seasonal Easter Eggs, which will give you a fun unique surprise on every big Holiday! 🎃
✅Added Auto Potions.
✅Added Augment and Remove Augment Buttons to Inventory.
✅Added Fade-Out Animation for Enemy Buff Timers, Enemy Cast Window, Enemy Cubic Window and Cancel Window.
✅Added Succeed and Fail System Messages for Java servers to the default SystemMsg-e.dat.
✅Added Options to Enable/Disable: Enemy Buff Timers, Enemy Trigger Timers, Canceled Buffs and System Message Spam Filter.
✅Added Option to Open the Interface Options Tab directly (Ctrl + Left-Click on System Menu Button).
✅Added Divine Power to Olympiad and PvP Buff Timers.
✅Added Option to Disable Party Levels in Party Options.
✅Added Option to Anchor the Talismans above the other Panel (needed for servers that have Panel 2 disabled).
✅Added Custom Chat Commands:
💬/calc or /calculator - Opens the in-game Calculator
💬/clear - Clears the Chat Window
💬/o or /os or /oly or /stat - Olympiadstat
💬/record or /rec or /start - Start Video Recording
💬/stoprecord or /stop - Stop Video Recording
💬/s - Sit
💬/st - Stand
💬/a - Attack
💬/af - AttackForce
💬/usf - Use Skill Force
💬/d - Duel
💬/w or /stopduel - Stop Duel
💬/l - Leave Party
💬/kick - Dismiss Party Member
💬/t or /targ - Target
💬/i or /inv - Invite to Party
💬/cpl or /cl or /pl - Change Party Leader
💬/ci or /command or /channel - Invite to Command Channel
💬/soe or /u - Unstuck
💬/fi - Friend Invite
💬/fd - Friend Delete
💬/fl - Friend List
💬/sell - Sell Shop
💬/make or /m or /manufacture - General Manufacture
💬/find or /fps or /store - Find Private Store
💬/ps or /psell - Package Sale
🔧Fixed Talismans, Earrings and Rings not showing up after restart until you opened Inventory.
🔧Fixed a bug that was preventing certain windows from being closed.
🔧Fixed the Status Window disappearing after Cinematic Scenes (Epic kill).
🔧Fixed the Zone Title appearing twice.
🔧Fixed Talisman Cooldowns not appearing on servers with Engine Lag (L2RPG).
🔧Fixed Inventory Macros not loading properly on Restart with Engine Lag (L2RPG).
🔧Fixed Party Buff Tooltips not showing.
🔧Fixed The General Shortcuts in ShortcutTab of Options not appearing in the correct Size right away.
🔧Fixed Party Noblesse Icons not showing up with Custom Skillgrp.
🔧Fixed Noblesse showing up twice in Party Buffs (most noticable if noblesse was modified to a debuff in skillgrp).
🔧Fixed Quest Items appearing in less columns than the size of the Inventory.
🔧Fixed Belt Text disappearing after Observing Olympiad.
🔧Fixed Classic Style Damage appearing for a second when exiting Olympiad Observe.
🔧Fixed Classic Style Damage text occasionally moving in the wrong direction.
🔧Fixed Classic Style Damage text overlapping with high attack speed, now it moves between three columns and is clearly visible.
🔧Fixed Classic Style Transfer Damage not stacking with Normal Damage.
🔧Fixed The Optional Map file with hidden obstacles AND gates not having the ring of the Fountain Arena hidden.
🔧Fixed Auto Augmentation skipping wanted augments on slower computers.
🔧Fixed Augmentation Repeat Button Delay not being big enough for some Java servers.
🔧Fixed Inventory Macros having the wrong outline (silver -> gold).
🔧Fixed some texture problems and positions.
🔧Fixed un-summoned Summon Status Window reappearing after clicking Apply in Options.
🔧Fixed Normal Status Window and Smaller Status Window disappearing when activating "Use Improved Shader Effect".
⬆Optimized Inventory Macros so that they automatically update when joining a New or PTS Server.
⬆Optimized the Fade-Out Animation for Classic Style Onscreen Damage.
⬆Optimized Classic Style Damage positions. Heals now appear below character, blocks don't overlap with other text and stack.
⬆Optimized Party Window PvP buff code (Improved Performance).
⬆Optimized Radar Window when hidden (Improved Performance).
⬆Optimized Radar Window so that it now hides PC Cafe Window aswell.
⬆Optimized On Screen Belt Icon to hide when it is not equipped (needed for lowrate/midrate early game).
⬆Optimized System Menu Window, so it closes after you click a button, or outside of it.
⬆Optimized the Smaller Status Window (Health Bar) Top and Bottom border size so that they are now smaller.
⬆Optimized Auto Souls and Forces, so that they now function similar to the new Auto Potions.
⬆Optimized the "Enemy Buff Timers Full" Message, which now appear only in the System Message Window.
⬆Optimized Enemy Buff Timers so that they do not appear for party members anymore.
⬆Completely Reworked the Cancel Info Window code (Improved Performance).
⬆Removed the pvpgate Armorgrp.dat file, because it is outdated.
✅Added Classic Style On Screen Damage Option (With Permission from the Creator OpalSnow of L2Sublimity <3).
✅Added Options for every Type of On Screen Message (Damage Done, Damage Received, Critical, +HP, +Exp..) to be displayed (Options -> Game).
✅Added Cycle Macros (Right Click a Macro for Continuous Use).
✅Added Anti Mirage Feature (Outside Olympiad only - Use With Discretion!).
✅Added Ability to extend System Message Window, same as Chat Window.
✅Added Option to Move Enemy Cast Info Window and Enemy Cubic Window anywhere on the screen.
✅Added Option to Disable Announcements Spam.
🔧Fixed ALT-Click Dispelled Buffs appearing in Cancel Information.
🔧Fixed SystemMessage for Damage Done having badly positioned Parameters.
🔧Fixed a bug that was preventing Enemy Cast Window from Anchoring properly.
⬆Optimized Buff Timers (Improved Performance for Mass PvP)
⬆Optimized On Screen Damage and On Screen Manaburn Damage (Improved Performance)
⬆Optimized the Size of the Shortcut Options Tab for Easier Navigation.
⬆Optimized the Size of the Interface Options Tab to fit more options.
✅Added option for Your Debuffs to show Time Remaining without the nwindow.dll file (found in Options -> Game, needed for servers like L2Exilium and L2America).
✅Added option to enable a small Delay for the Repeat Button for Augmenting (needed for L2RPG).
✅Added support for Debuff Succeed System Message on L2Devil.
✅Added support for Debuff Succeed and Fail on L2Rampage.
✅Added support for Debuff Fail (only some debuffs) on L2Exilium and L2America.
✅Added the Moving to Olympiad Stadium System Messages for L2RPG.
✅Added Boost Morale and Servitor Barrier to Outside and Olympiad Buff Timers.
✅Added Blue Color Macro Icon as the First Macro, to fit the wanted color scheme of the interface.
🔧Fixed Enemy Cast Window not Anchoring Down, when Target Window is Expanded.
🔧Fixed Cancel Window showing Custom non-visible buffs, Debuffs, and Expired buffs.
🔧Fixed Lesser Celestial Shield not appearing on On Screen Cooldowns when you equip the weapon.
🔧Fixed On Screen Cooldowns and Invenotry Macros not updating to new class after Subclass Change.
🔧Fixed a problem that was causing inventory lag when using items with inventory open.
🔧Fixed Life Stone Timers having an un-needed Background.
🔧Fixed Divine Protection not showing up in Buff Timers Outside.
🔧Fixed Position of Windows that were appearing out of screen with Lower Resolution.
🔧Fixed Menu position not changing when resolution is changed.